Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Updates owed

art binder
music lesson plan
dance lesson plan
spanish: study chapters 1-5
spanish: study verbs
spanish: tenses, ch 5
spanish: past progressive?
spanish homework
psych forum entries
eng220 blog entries
fix transitions and english headings in spanish presentation powerpoint
finish that poetry project
psych paper first draft
case study (Case Study! CASE STUDY!)
edit and email Bert letter

?Qué vas hacer este verano?
?Cuándo piensas estudiar para el examen final?
?Qué programas de television te gusta ver?

I cleaned and played a ton of records this weekend while I was doing all the work I need to do for the end of the semester, and I haven't had time to write them up. I played the Four Seasons by Vivaldi which is great to study to, but makes me feel like I'm in a Lexus commercial. I played Django Reinhardt which was fun and some of which I recognized from Loony Toons. I played some old hard rock group called Mountain. Spencer Davis Group. Muppet Movie Soundtrack. Uh, man, a lot. Freewheelin' Bob Dylan. Probably other stuff... oh, Moby Grape. Maybe I wrote that one up, I kinda forget. Anyway, I don't have any time to write anything other than what I need to write for school.

I usually read and reread these things over and over after I post them so just as a reminder to me, this is all the shit I gotta do:
I've been using this entry as a to do list because why not so i moved the list above the cut. so there.

Let's see. Oh crap, psych. Ok, added them. Psych, Spanish, ENG220, ENG270, art for lame-o's, I think that's it.

Anyway I have a ton of shit to do and most of it I have to do in the next two days. Sometimes I have a hard time remembering why I thought going back to school was a good idea.

Next semester oughta be easier.

'cept it won't be.


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