Saturday, May 3, 2014

Elvis Costello - My Aim Is true

This is my favorite Elvis Costello album. All my favorite songs of his are on it. It was in pretty great shape, cleaned up nicely (not that it really needed it), and plays great. When the first track, my very favorite Elvis Costello song, "Welcome to the Working Week" came on, James started shaking his butt and dancing like crazy. It was cute as hell and made me really happy to see.

UPDATE 6-26-14

So tonight for the first time James asked me to put some music on. I asked if he wanted to listen to the Beatles and he said, "NO!" (because he's a good boy and I'm raising him right). I tried to think of what he might like to hear. I was about to give him a choice between The Cars (which I was kind of in the mood for) or The Muppets (which is kid friendly, I figured). And then I remembered how much he liked this one the last time I played it for him.

Wouldn't you know it, the kid got right up and started dancing again as soon as I put it on! God damn. My kid is awesome. I mean, I'm his dad, and dads like their kids. So, granted, I'm biased. But objectively, by any standard, my kid is awesome.

I mean, I'm saying.


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