Saturday, May 10, 2014

Bob Dylan - Bringing It All Back Home

Played this one last week some time. I've just been so busy with school I haven't been able to update the blog. I'm so glad this semester is almost over.

At any rate, when I was young, probably right around the age I was when I still thought Catcher in the Rye was great, well before I realized Holden Caulfield was just a douche,  I started listening to Bob Dylan. This was one of the first two albums I listened to. Guess what the other one was. Go ahead. Guess. I'll wait.

Correct: Highway 61 Revisited.

They are both great albums. I still like Dylan. I probably like him more now than I did when I was old enough to have realized that everyone was wrong about everything, but not yet old enough to have realized I was too.


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