Saturday, April 5, 2014

This is the stuff I'm gonna need. Apparently.

Ok, so this site seems like a pretty good resource. I also found this which looks incredibly dangerous, and which I'm not in a rush to try, and this which looks fun, but slow. It also looks cheap though, so I'm probably gonna give it a go. The real issue is so many of these records are so badly scratched I just don't know if they're salvageable at all.

I'll need to get a turntable eventually, which is a whole can of worms I just don't feel like getting into right now. I'm pretty much one step above broke right now. I'm a full time student and a tutor which pays right around dick an hour (after taxes). My wife works full time but we live in Brooklyn and we have a kid. It was hard enough convincing her it was a good idea to take seven milk crates full of old scratched up records into our apartment. Getting her to agree to drop a couple bills on a turntable is gonna be a good god damned trick. For now my dad and my stepmother who spend pretty much all summer at a yard sale or on their way to a yard sale are gonna keep their eyes open for decent cheap used turntables for me.

So I'm going to need to get inner sleeves and outer sleeves. The double albums will need these large outer sleeves. I only need a couple of those so it's convenient they only come in lots of 100. The record brushes I found are all in the same price range and this one is the one I like the look of best. I like the little flip-up handle deal. I'll probably also want to get a couple of these shelves from Ikea eventually. I can probably live without those. Right now I'm shifting books around to make room for all these records.

So even before the cost of a turntable and whatever it is I end up needing to clean these things, it's gonna be right around a hundred bucks. A hundred bucks I don't have, for a bunch of records that I don't even know if I'll ever be able to play. I'm actually pretty amped.

heh, heh... amped...

Aw crap, I need a fucking amp.

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