Sunday, April 6, 2014

Pete Seeger - Waist Deep in The Big Muddy and Other Love Songs

Alright, I'm attributing this one to my dad. I'm not the world's biggest fan of folk music (not sure you could tell). But even I can't hate Pete Seeger. I had no idea what this was but I googled it and apparently the title track is a big controversial anti-war song. So that's cool.

See, here's the thing about folk music. You got Pete Seeger. You got Bob Dylan. Then you got a bunch of crap that I can't freaking stand...

Updated Saturday, May 3, 2014
Well this brought me right the fuck back to 1983. Sitting in a circle under a tree with a music teacher with a guitar singing folk songs to a bunch of kids he was convinced he was really reaching who were just happy to have gotten the fuck out of the basement where we usually had music class. Maybe my kid would like this. I just don't know. I just... there's a song on here about two maggots sitting on a shovel handle. I mean... fuck it. It was a different time, I guess.

I mean, I grew up in the fucking sticks. I've swung a shovel. I've seen maggots. Most of the weirdo self-satisfied hippies who thought they were gonna change the world sitting in circles singing this shit had never HELD a shovel, let along seen a maggot. If... I just... folk music? For who? What folk?

You wanna get back to fucking nature? We spent thousands of years climbing down from the trees and digging our way out of the caves and eating woolly mammoths and learning agriculture and bashing each other's skulls in with rocks and building pyramids and blowing shit up and building cities and shit, so that we could buy beer that comes in bottles and have pizza delivered to us, rather than have to go kill a mammoth so we could make our own god-damned cave pizzas. And you wanna get back to nature and play in the mud and pick flowers and shit?

Man, I don't even fucking know. I grew up in the sticks, got out, thought I missed it, went back, realized I was right the first time I got the fuck out of there, left, and never looked back, except for a couple times a year when I go visit my sister, who married bigfoot and still lives in the woods. But hey, that's your thing? Fuck it. Go there. Me? I'm staying where the pizza comes hot, the beer comes cold, and the only people who ever get eaten by a bear are the retards who jumped the fence at the Bronx zoo.

Feel I drifted a little off the mark on that one. Anyway, Pete Seeger. YAY! Album plays great. My dad will probably be really happy about that, assuming he never reads this review, in which case, he'll still be happy. But he'll also tell me I'm being a dumb ass. Which, come to think of it, will also make him happy. So... this one's for you, Pop. Have at it.


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