Friday, July 4, 2014

Bruce Springsteen - Born in the U.S.A.

Jesus Christ, wikipedia, "heartland rock"? Anyway, guess I lied about not being patriotic today. And yes, before my legions of imaginary readers get all up in my ass about it, I am aware that Born in the U.S.A. is not about what Ronald Reagan thought it was about.

What the fuck is heartland rock anyway? Springsteen is from Jersey. Not a whole lot of people I've met from Iowa consider Jersey the heartland.

Not a lot of people I've met from Iowa... fuck Iowa!

Anyway, not my favorite Springsteen record, but it made him a bunch of money, and good for him. I'll take Nebraska over Born in the U.S.A. any day of the week.

But what's good on here? Born in the U.S.A. is actually a good god damned song, assuming you jackasses actually pay attention to the lyrics which you never do because... old man rant. Anyway, what else? I'm On Fire is a hell of a song when you're in the mood for that kind of thing. Working on the Highway is a good song to drive to on a sunny day with an empty highway stretched out in front of you. Maybe that's what they mean by heartland rock: good music to blast when you're speeding past cornfields (Which we actually HAVE in Jersey. Did I mention fuck Iowa? Because: fuck Iowa.).

This whole thing is basically good to crank up so loud no one can hear how badly you sing and drive as fast as you can until you get where you're going. It's music to drive to. Other than that, like I said... know what this is? This is as close as The Boss (there, I said it) gets to pop. And bully for him. He's got kids to feed.

So this thing was pretty clean. Jacket's in good shape. Plays great. Praise god and pass the ammunition. Happy fourth of July. Wheee!

I guess fireworks are cool. I don't know man. Moving right along.


Fuck, there are good songs on here, huh? The whole... shit. I wrote this while listening to the first side. But the second side is way better than the first. Every song on side two is pretty great. No Surrender, Bobby Jean, I'm Goin' Down, Glory Days, Dancing in the Dark, My Hometown. None of them are my favorite but they're all pretty great in their own right. I still prefer Nebraska, but still. This record is better than I gave it credit for.

Anyway, fuck Iowa. Fuck 'em.

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