Saturday, August 16, 2014

John Cougar - American Fool

"Little ditty, 'bout..." SHUT THE FUCK UP. Oh my god, seriously? I don't hate this guy. But for me, this is music to roll your eyes to.

I... mean... god... damn...

Big teased hair, popped collar on your strategically worn out denim jacket... just... oh, 1980s, how you hurt me so.

Speaking of which! Story time!

So some time in the 1980s after this record came out, probably right after it came out because Hurt So Good was on the radio, I was driving around with my crazy stepfather. Now I was the child of hippies and I had heard songs about love. I knew that love was all you need. I knew that you could not buy love. And I knew that you got to hide your love away. But I had never heard a song about love hurting. So I asked the psychopath behind the wheel what the song was about.

A sane adult might have told an eight year old that relationships can be complicated. And that sometimes you can love someone but still hurt their feelings by accident, or sometimes people can hurt your feelings, but you still love them. And that makes you sad, but you still love them and whatever. Maybe he could have used the fact that my mom and dad who had loved each other had gotten a divorce as an example. Maybe that would have helped me figure some shit out and go on to be a normal well-adjusted human being with a healthy attitude about love and relationships.

But I was in the car with a crazy person and so instead I learned about BDSM. It wasn't a real graphic description but it was too graphic for an eight year old and I got the picture. It was probably right around then that I started to realize that Tyler was batshit fucking insane. I was riding around with a wild-eyed weirdo with a bright red afro telling me about how, in his words, "Some sick fucks like to wear leather and beat the shit out of each other while they're fucking," and I thought to myself, This guy's a crazy asshole, and my mom is letting me hang around with him... ON PURPOSE...

Anyway, not a huge fan of John Cougar, Mellencamp or otherwise.

Record's pristine. Played great. I'll never play it again unless someone comes over and asks begs me to.


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