Wednesday, June 18, 2014

The Beatles - Revolver

So like I started saying in the last post, other than the fact that I really want to work my way through all this Beatles and get to something else, the real reason I'm playing the Beatles, other than the fact that I'd like to get them all done, is that they're some cheerful motherfuckers and I'm kind of bummed about the way CUNY has been treating me. But fuck those guys anyway.
I don't even feel like going into the details. Suffice to say, I have a 3.9 average, all my professors love me, I've been published, and they still think I oughta eat a dick because I'm not worth a shit. They keep treating me like this I'm gonna transfer to NYU and pay way too much for a degree that's not that much better.

Anyway, this album is Revolver and it plays like a fucking dream. This was one I had on CD when I was 15 as every fifteen-year-old of my generation should have had and which very few of them did because: fuck those shitty little Philistines, am I right? I mean, god damn.

It's a good album, is what I'm getting at.

I mean, look. If I listed the tracks, in order from the first song to the last, stopping only when I got to a song that wasn't a classic that everyone oughtn't to hear, I'd list them all.

Eleanor Rigby
I'm Only Sleeping
Love You To
Here, There and Everywhere
Yellow Submarine
She Said She Said
Good Day Sunshine
And Your Bird Can Sing
For No One
Doctor Robert
I Want to Tell You
Got to Get You into My Life
Tomorrow Never Knows

If you haven't heard and don't love everyone of those songs your options are:
A. Go listen to them now
B. Go fuck yourself

This is the thing about classic albums like this that makes me crazy. Not every Beatles song is a classic. Every once in a while you get "Octopus's Garden" and you think to yourself "Fuck Ringo, seriously." But there are albums like this one where every single song is fucking essential in a retrospective of a band's body of work.

This album is phenomenal. There isn't a single track you could leave out. Not one. It's irritating. It's irritatingly good. You hear it and you think, "Jesus, where the fuck do these guys get off being so fucking talented? Fuck those guys anyway!" And the Beatles aren't alone in this. The Stones are the same way, maybe even better.

I'm starting to feel better about CUNY. Another album to follow.


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