Monday, April 7, 2014

Offenbach in America - Boston Pops Orchestra, Arthur Fiedler conductor

Oh, man! Offenbach! And in America! Man, let me tell you, back in the day, we'd kick back with a couple cold brewskies and just CRANK the Offenbach, man. Oh man, those were the days. One time Needles showed up with this old rebuilt Suzuki and we were like, "How the fuck did you afford that, Needles? You're always broke!" And he was like, "Traded it. Straight up for a nickel bag of scag and Offenbach in America." And he was all proud of himself like that was a good thing to do! Needles was an asshole, man.

Yeah, I really have no idea.

Updated 5/4/2014
So I played this for my friends Ari and Larra because they are music nerds and they insisted this was actually good music and because Larra thought my original entry for Offenbach was funny. I discovered something interesting. You know that music Shoprite always plays in their commercials when all their canned goods are on sale? That's Offenbach. I don't know why they do that. But there you go.

The more you know. deedle-deedl-deedle-dee... star.


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